Multimodal communication and documentary films, by Dr. Christoph Sauer (University of Groningen)
La clase abierta se impartirá el lunes 19 de noviembre, de 9 to 11.45 am, en la Sala digital Mateo Ricci, y estará dirigida a estudiantes del grado de Comunicación con nivel suficiente de inglés para poder seguirla en esta lengua.

Christoph Sauer
Christoph Sauer (1948) is a senior lecturer in pragmatics, communication and media theory at the University of Groningen (Netherlands) in the Department of Communication and Information Sciences of the Faculty of Arts. He has had a series of articles published on Nazi language (ideological discourse), juridical communication (courtroom discourse), public addresses (in particular, commemorations) on TV, rhetoric and multimodality in documentary film and photography. He is the author of Vak/Taal/Kennis (1990) (‘Profession/Special Language/Knowledge’) and Der aufdringliche Text: Sprachpolitik und NS-Ideologie in der “Deutschen Zeitung in den Niederlanden” (1998) (‘The obtrusive text: Language policy and Nazi ideology in the “German Newspaper in the Netherlands”’), and co-editor of Communiceren, waarnemen, ana¬ly¬se¬ren: bijdragen tot het taalbeheersingsonderzoek (1995) (‘Communication, perception, analysis: Contributions to research in language use’) (with Harrie Mazeland), Researching Technical Documents (1996) (with Titus Ensink), Framing and Perspectivising in Discourse (2003) (with Titus Ensink) and The Art of Commemoration: Fifty Years after the Warsaw Uprising (2003) (with Titus Ensink).
His recent research interests focus on audience design (overhearer and ‘overseer’ design) in multimodal communication, specifically in televised political addresses, documentary film and press photography as well as on functional evaluations and optimisations of written texts, including text design, typography and images.
Maria Jesús Pando