Ahoz komunikatu, bertsoz komunikatu
‘Ahozko komunikazioko lantegia’ ikasgaiko Komunikazioko graduko ikasleek Bertsozaleen Elkartea bisitatu dute.
‘Ahozko komunikazioko lantegia’ ikasgaiko Komunikazioko graduko ikasleek Bertsozaleen Elkartea bisitatu dute.
Luego de la pandemia muchos son los estudiantes que han esperado con más ansias de lo normal poder tener la experiencia de hacer un intercambio, ya sea nacional, en otro país o incluso continente. Tuvimos […]
De acuerdo a la Ley del Régimen Electoral General 5/1985 el cuarto domingo de mayo, día 28, se celebrarán las elecciones municipales y forales. En esta ocasión, la Universidad de Deusto trae una interesante iniciativa […]
As future journalists I think it’s important to be updated on what is going to be trending in journalism this year (2023). So I have found this podcast episode called “What should we expect from journalism […]
After watching the documentary ‘The Great Hack’ directed by Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer, it definitely leaves you with an unnerving feeling. This Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal it’s quite eye-opening concerning our privacy in the media, […]
In his book Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson created the term Metaverse for the first time in 1992. Now, 30 years later, this term is one of the most popular to describe future technologies. In the new Recoded Media episode, Stephenson […]
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